“We encourage families to reinforce each child’s confidence in the Lord’s ability to strengthen and protect them.”
Fall has returned, and with it our regular Sunday School schedule for kids. Nursery care is available for both services, with Pre-K through Kindergarten and grades first through fourth for older children in second service. Children in fifth grade or above may remain in worship with their families.
This quarter, we encourage kids to apply Bible truths to their lives. We’ll be exploring how God kept His promises to the Israelites through Noah, Abraham, Joseph, and Moses. We encourage families to reinforce each child’s confidence in the Lord’s ability to strengthen and protect them.
In order to provide the most effective learning environment for our children, each class assigned a lead teacher and assistant. Currently, we urgently need Nursery staff for both services, and class room assistants during the second service. If you are older than eighteen and love children, we ask that you prayerfully consider committing one or more Sundays per month as an assistant or substitute.
Let’s make this a great year for our kids.
Karenjean Crawford
Karen Gentzler